The University of Georgia will conduct yet another Week of Literature from 23rd to 27th of April, 2018 dedicated to the World Book Day. University and high senior year high school students have the opportunity to participate in the UG Literally Contest - “Folio” which will be held within the week of literature.
The University of Georgia continues its tradition and supports development of creative, critical writing skills among young people.
Participants of the contest will write a short poem or a prose miniature. This year’s topic is - “Calm and Severe Spring”.
Literally Contest - “Folio” aims to raise the culture of writing. All participant will receive a special certificate.
Winner will receive a special literary prize – Folio and a 500 GEL reward. The jury will also award special prizes for best poetry and prose.
1) The competition is bilingual, therefore text may be written in Georgian or English languages (SYLFAEN 11);
2) 1 pages, 1.5 line spacing;
3) Name, surname, age, phone, school, university, course, class, number and e-mail must be indicated.
Evaluation Criteria:
A) Originality
B) Creativity
Work will be accepted from April 3rd through 21st at the following link:
Good luck!